Well, it has been over amonth since I last posted. Whew! In that month, we have battled sickness (ah, winter...), I started back to work 2 days, which means Amelia started day care 2 days, my private practice is growing (yeah!), Amelia turned 1!!! and Bayard is about to turn 4 (on the 20th!), oh, and our 31 yr old furnace called it quits. We have been living with space heaters for over a week while we await the gas company to put in a line to our house! AH!
All is well though. Amelia is weathering day care pretty well-- each time she goes it gets better. Last week was the first week she spent two full days (the week before w
e did 2 half days). She is very clear (ie: screamy!) that staying there without us is not in her plan for the day, but she settles in and we have a wonderful care provider, so we know she is getting her needs met and will adjust. If you want to check out the school ... http://www.growingseeds.net/ . We couldn't be happier with them. Bayard is in the preschool room and is able to go and visit Amelia during the day in the baby room. Nice.
Amelia is right on track developmentally and seemingly, attachment wise too. What a gift! She is funny and currently loves pointing at everything. She loves books and likes to do the sign for book and then have you read to her. She is signing quite a bit (book, daddy, milk, dog, all done, more) which we think is pretty cool. Bayard is growing up so fast! 4 is a big birthday. He is definately seeming more and more like a big kid. He is funny, creative, bright, silly, thoughtful, and truly seems to enjoy his role as big brother. At school they are wrapping up learning about volcanoes and moving on to learning about Egypt which he is excited about. He was telling me that he really wants to "know more about mummys and sphinxes." They studied honey bees last summer and he was telling me yesterday that "not just bees have a proboscus mom, some butterflies do too, but they j
ust eat the nectar, they don't make honey with it like the bees do." Whoa! He cracks me up.
Ok, well, I guess that is the wrap up for now. I will try to be better about keeping up here....