One year ago today we were on a plane flying to China to meet Chen Fu Wang, soon to be Amelia Fu Wang Johnson. The pictures below are of Amelia's referral picture (the first picture we got of her before we went to China - she was about 4 months old there),
the next pictures are of Amelia in October while we were in Florida.) What a difference a year and a family make! 

In some ways it is hard to believe it was an entire year ago. In other ways it seems like a lifetime ago. Lots of changes in the past year.... we grew from a happy family of 3 to a complete family of 4, Bayard gained a sister and became a big brother, we stopped working our family around my job and started working my job around our family when I took the leap to private practice ( and left my "regular" job... wow, in writing that just doesn't seem like that much. Living it feels much different! Life feels different than it did. Richer. The biggest changes are in Amelia....
We met a confused, sad, mad, grieving, cautious, tenatious, strong baby in China. That baby has grown into a confident, silly, funny, bright, joyful, little girl who continues to show that same tenacity and strength in everything she does! She is such a part of the fabric of our family that it is difficult to imagine us without her. She asks for a hug and then just leaps into your arms and wraps herself around you with a giggle that seems to come from her whole body as she says "Mommy!" and just today "yuv you!" I love you too Amelia.
Monday, November 5th, we will celebrate Family Day, as that is the anniversary of the day we gained a daugter and a sister, and Amelia gained a mom, a dad, and a brother. That long, almost 2 year, wait was worth every second and then some.