Sunday, October 29, 2006

Here are our most recent pictures of Amelia. These were taken on Oct 7 2006. I wonder how much different she will look when we get her next sunday? Wow. One more week!

We have spent much of today looking at all the stuff we are taking with us. Wow. We are working hard on being minimalists, but...all the "what if's" have us packing more than we will likely need, especially in the area of just-in-case medications! We hit the traveler's clinic and they loaded us up. Let's hope we don't need any of them!

We are off to a Lantern Walk tonight with Bayard's school. What is a Lantern Walk you ask... here is what Bayard's school says...

The lantern walk is a time honored tradition that marks the coming of Winter. Parents and children are invited to dress up in their favorite winter costume and take a walk through Fernhill Park. Children walk carrying handmade lanterns. These lanterns represent the warm season that has passed and eternal life. Along the path, “treats” (snacks, polished rocks, shells) can be collected and stored in pockets. The walk ends and families form a large circle and blow out their candles.

Groovy you say? Well, we do live in Portland.

Ok, I will try and post some Halloween/Lantern Walk pictures later.

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