Well, we are getting to know Amelia more each day, and she is adorable! Happy, smiling, today she giggled!
These pictures were taken in her room at bedtime the second day we were home. I know, those jammies are pretty girly. And how cute is she in them? Sleep is improving each night. We are hopeful for an even better night tonight! She is in bed right now.... sleeping, in her bed.... yes, we dosed her up with Benadryl... for the jetlag, and our sanity... we'll see. We head off to the pediatrician tomorrow morning to check in. I don't think she is going to have much to say as Amelia is looking really healthy and still pretty on track developmentally. Some mild gross and fine motor delays, but nothing really significant. She is still in the window of "typical development" just on the slower end for motor skills. Yeah! She is generally happy, smiley, and fairly easy going. She is quite clear about what she wants and will definately let you know if you aren't giving it to her, but she is quick to recover once it is resolved. She is also doing well on the attachment stuff. Much better than we expected at this point, so that is great news too! She still enjoys time with Travis, but no longer shows a marked preference for him. She is fascinated with Woobie (our Brittany Spaniel for those who don't know him). He on the other hand, showed little or no reaction to her with the exception of resuming the post he had at the highchair when it was last used and giving her face licks to check out the leftovers. She seems ok with that and watches him with great interest. Nice to have an 8 year old "baby/child seasoned" dog as opposed to a 4 year old "new to the kid thing" dog...
Bayard is excited to visit his school for a couple hours while we take Amelia to the doctor tomorrow. He is doing well with the adjustment. As well as can be expected I think. Some boundary testing and meltdowns over things like running out of juice or getting his arm caught in his jacket (things he took in stride before), but, all in all, big brother is coping ok and really likes to play with Amelia and is VERY sweet with her. First thing each morning he comes into our room (where she has generally been spending at least the last 2-3 hours of the night) and just talks quietly to her and rubs her back and sings her songs... "Hello to Amelia, so glad to see you, Good morning Amelia, so glad to see you"... So sweet.
OK, that is it for tonight. I am going to relish in some downtime while BOTH kids are sleeping!
1 comment:
Wow, Tracey, I have been trying to keep up with this whole process, I am intrigued. Congratulations first of all on a successful adoption and wow, I am just overwhelmed by all of the work it takes. I have so many questions, but I'll try to read more before I ask. I am just curious how the whole bonding experience is going? Was it immediate or is it more of an ongoing process? HOw is she adjusting? I know you said the first day, she was sad, how did that transition go? Well, she is beautiful and I am so happy for you. You must be so thrilled. You will see that I have a blog, but it seems so trivial now that I look at yours. I might put you as one of my links if that is ok with you?
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