The weather has been so AMAZING lately! Sunshine and upper 70's most days the last 2 weeks! We have had lots of outside time and are really enjoying it. Amelia and Bayard both LOVE to be outside. The beans and nasturtiams on Bayard's "fort" in the backyard are slowly growing. It seems the mice were not able to eat ALL the seeds.... I will try to get a picture of that up soon. The flowers are just blooming everywhere. I adore this time of year.
Anyway, the kids are doing well. Amelia continues to grow and change, her new word is "bubble" and she carries at least one bubble wand around much of the time. Pretty funny. She took her first big spill a few weeks ago... check out the scab on her cute little nose!
Bayard started soccer a couple weeks ago and is enjoying it, however, this week he said "Mom, I don't know if I want to do soccer again, there is just so much running." This is particularly funny coming from the child who also says "Mom, one of my favorite things these days is just to run. I like how my body feels when I run. I think I am definately the fastest person in our family." He will then run room...dining room....dining room.... and so it goes. Often the running experience is augmented by the wearing of a cape which Bayard says "flows behind me in the wind."
Check out the recent pics...
. This one of Bayard is in the backyard on his rope swing... a HUGE hit the last couple weeks. The family one is from Mother's Day. We must have taken 20 pictures trying to get it right! It still isn't great, but, it was good enough for the 6 month report we had to do for the adoption agency. Yes, Amelia has been with us for 6 months. Amazing. 
1 comment:
The cape thing and the running. So cute!
You guys look like you're trying REALLY HARD in that picture. :)
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