Well, for some reason the blog won't let me put anymore pictures up, so, I am off for now. More to come!
We had some excitement last weekend when Amelia had her first ER visit... she has decided that she no longer wants to go down the stairs "
feet first" or backwards, but only wants to tackle the stairs big girl style!! Natural consequences.... a tumble down the basement stairs with the metal edges on them equal a split lip needing 3 stitches!! OUCH!! We have a wonderful children's ER close by -- we were actually in and out of there in one hour!! Unheard of really. She was a trooper. The stitches are out and she has a tiny scar which will likely fade and leave only the story to tell. Big brother was worried about her and was incredibly helpful and empathetic -- they are pretty cute together.
The pictures are just some random ones from the summer. Both kids enjoy some dress up....capes, wizard garb, cowboy/girl, girly dresses, hats of all kinds, etc. Amelia LOVES to change her clothes and then say "mirror, mirror" and go twirl around in front of the mirror and check herself out!! Funny! They spent about 45 minutes upstairs this morning with a clothes basket pretending they were driving in a boat on some adventure. Amelia loves to do whatever Bayard is doing and he is generally really patient with her and finds a way to incorporate her into what he is doing. He really enjoys when she will play with him in one of his imaginary adventure scenarios, of which there are MANY!!!! It is fun to see them getting to be friends. Bayard said the other day "Mom, I think I love Amelia more than anyone else in the family. I just really really love her." And you can see it in the way he treats her. They still have thier moments, but, for the most part, it is great. And it is fun to think of how that relationship will grow as they get older. Good stuff. 
1 comment:
Siblings are so great.
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