Monday, November 27, 2006

Back to normal....

Well, Travis went back to work today and I am home with "the kids"... it has been great! Wow, transition to 2 kids is SOOOO much easier than transition to 1! It doesn't hurt that I am not recovering from pregnancy, labor, delivery, and major emergency surgery all while caring for a newborn... starting at 9 mos old having never been pregnant is actually pretty nice! She is more of a joy each day and Bayard continues to do really well.

It just hit us last night that we missed much of November and Christmas is just around the corner! Those "east coast" gifts have to get moving if they are going to make it in time! Hmmm, we have some work to do!

Speaking of work... I need to get some done while "the kids" are resting/napping...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny to be using plural "kids" all of a sudden eh?

Those pictures on the previous posts are so cute! What a gorgeous family you have.

It was so nice to see you over the weekend at Lael's!